Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sunday in Chongqing

Today was another good day with mostly ups and a few downs. Indigo is a very sound sleeper which makes the night time relaxing for all and getting ready in the morning- we can get totally ready and not disturb her and then get her ready. After Breakfast we had a great phone call with Quinn, we've spoken to her many times but she had lots to say this morning and sounded so happy and like she is having a great time preparing for Indigo’s arrival. Quinn, We are so very proud of you and love you soooo much. We are counting the days until we get to bring Indigo home to you.

We had a wonderful group outing this morning. Our guides took us to “Old Town” Chongqing. Many of the buildings in the area we walked through were built 600 years ago during the Ming dynasty. It was really incredible to walk through this neighborhood still filled with people, and shops and businesses. We received many smiles and “lucky baby” comments. We feel we are the lucky ones. We are also glad that we had this opportunity to see this community as it will be destroyed in the not so distant future. to be replace by modern, more western high rise apartments. We also got to stop and see through the fog the convergence of the Yangtze and the Jiaing rivers. The area is currently being decorated for the Chinese New Year (Year of the Dog) so there were lots of fun decorations up near the rivers as well as all over the city. We had another group lunch with lots and lots of food and then back to the hotel for naps.

Indigo did very well during our outing - even slept though some of it. But awoke from her nap with tears, as she is working on a couple more teeth. She also seemed to be having some “home sickness “ this evening, perhaps realizing this is a permanent transition. It does seem that she has three words, Baba, Mama, and the Chinese word for big sister, Jie Jie. She actually says this when we show her Quinn’s picture so they must have used the little photo album we sent with labeled pictures. She also did lots of smiling and laughing today – she has a very cute giggle. Her Baba is very good at getting her to giggle. Aside from the teething episode and her little bout of homesickness Indigo had another great day. We did put her on the scale in our hotel room today because we were very curious how much this healthy eater weighs – are all guesses in? 20 pounds- good thing I brought mostly 18 month size clothing.


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